Moravian Pre-Service chapters of NAEA and PAEA
Undergraduate art education majors, graduate students, and students interested in museum and gallery education or art therapy are encouraged to become members of the Moravian chapter of the National Art Educators and PA Art Educators Associations. One fee provides membership to both highly recognized professional organizations. Some of the benefits of membership include:
- Participate in professional development workshops by arts educators and the opportunity to present workshops of your own!
- Network with art teachers and museum educators from PA and the nation.
- Present at the PAEA and NAEA conferences and events
- Connect with Moravian Art Education Alumni
- Connect with member of the Moravian community through arts-related service activities and events
- Work with local schools and arts organizations to develop teaching skills and gain valuable experience
To learn more about our pre-service chapter of PAEA/NAEA, contact Dr. MaryJo Rosania-Harvie at and follow us on