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Healthy Lifestyle Rewards Program

What is the Healthy Lifestyle Rewards Program? We believe that making healthy lifestyle choices can impact your health and well-being now and in the future by reducing the risk of major chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes. Through this program, making these healthy choices can earn you points toward a reward.

Who can participate in the Program? All benefits-eligible employees can participate in the program and are eligible to start earning rewards. This includes employees not enrolled in the ΢ÃÜÆƽâ health plan.

How can I earn rewards?**
Earn up to 15 points by participating in the following healthy lifestyle activities during the calendar year. Track your rewards on the Healthy Lifestyle Rewards Passport, and submit proof of each activity to the Office of Human Resources. Redeem your rewards points by submitting a Healthy Lifestyle Rewards Passport to the Human Resources Office at the end of the year. Approved activity will be tracked on the 2025 Healthy Lifestyle Rewards Passport


Earn up to 15 points by participating in the following healthy lifestyle activities during the calendar year.  Track your rewards on the Healthy Lifestyle Rewards Passport and submit proof of each activity to the Office of Human Resources.  Each line should be signed and dated by the program facilitator or an HR representative after proof of completion is presented.  Completed Passports should be returned to the Human Resources Office by December 31, 2025.  The Employer-Sponsored Wellness Programs Notice, and more is posted at Moravian.edu/wellness.

Maximum Points

Healthy Lifestyle Rewards Description

Proof Required


8 Week Journey to Wellness, choose from   or 

Signed Affidavit that you have successfully tracked your journey for 8 weeks and documented it through journal entries


Run your Credit Report

Confirmation of submission (actual credit report not needed)


Participate in walking / running program or event

Name on roster


Complete six (6) fitness classes

Instructor signature, receipt, registration, or screenshot


Receive an age-appropriate Wellness Screening as identified on Preventative Schedule or as identified by PCP E.g., Body mass index check, blood pressure check, glucose screening, cholesterol screening, etc.; limited to 2 rewards points

Explanation of benefits, portal screenshot, after visit summary


Attend Center for Inclusive Excellence sponsored event - in person or via zoom

Signature/email from Center for Inclusive Excellence staff member or screenshot


Receive an annual immunization as identified in your Health Insurance as detailed on Capital Blue Cross' Preventative Schedule

Explanation of benefits or Receipt


Attend a health or safety related event through Moravian, LVAIC or NACU

Registration Confirmation or screenshot


Complete an annual physical exam, mammogram or colonoscopy

Explanation of benefits


Receive routine dental exam

Explanation of benefits or Receipt


Receive routine eye exam

Explanation of benefits or Receipt


Holistic Wellness Activity (Ex. Acupuncture, chiropractor, colon cleanse, massage, , etc.)

Submission on  of passion project (video, photo, PDF)


Attend one (1) ΢ÃÜÆƽâ Benefits education session (Virtual or in-person)

Signature/email from presenter or screenshot


Complete "" webinar/

Successful completion of quiz (80% or higher)


Submit a healthy recipe via  Post

NutriNotes Post


Attend a ΢ÃÜÆÆ½â  or Meditation Circle


Attend one (1) ΢ÃÜÆƽâ sponsored Yoga event (in-person or virtual)

Registration Confirmation or screenshot


Attend an EAP webinar hosted by 

Name on roster / screenshot

REWARDS – A Stipend for the points achieved based on the schedule below

3 Points: $25

6 Points: $50

9 Points: $100

12 Points: $150

15 Points: $200

**Your health plan is committed to helping you achieve you best health.  Rewards for participating in a wellness program are available to all benefits-eligible employees.  If you think you might be unable to meet a standard for a reward under this wellness program, you might qualify for an opportunity to earn the same reward by different means.  Contact us at 610.861.1527 and we will work with you (and, if you wish, with your doctor) to find an alternative with the same reward that is right for you considering your health status.

Name (Print):


Total Points: 


Authorized HR Signature: 





*Explanation of Benefits

**Your health plan is committed to helping you achieve your best health. Rewards for participating in a wellness program are available to all benefits eligible employees. If you think you might be unable to meet a standard for a reward under this wellness program, you might qualify for an opportunity to earn the same reward by different means. Contact us at 610.861.1527 and we will work with you (and, if you wish, with your doctor) to find an alternative with the same reward that is right for you in light of your health status.

Rewards - A stipend for the points achieved based on the schedule below!

$25 3 points$150 12 points
$50  6 points$200 15 points
$100 9 points  

Linked below are forms and resources for the program.