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Information Security

Information Security's mission is to support the mission of ΢ÃÜÆƽâ by protecting our information resources. Through a combination of technologies, policies, and education, we strive to ensure our information resources are appropriately used and accessible for those who need them, when they need them.

Top 7 tips to protect information resources and yourself online:

  1. Always ask before proceeding if you have questions.

    If something doesn't seem right, call IT for assistance. Whether it's a suspicious or out of the ordinary email message, phone call/voicemail, text, pop-up window, or error message—anything unusual—call IT for assistance to verify whether something is real or fake. If you click on that link or respond to that message, don’t be embarrassed and try to hide it—we all make mistakes—call IT, even if you do not provide any information.
  2. Approach passwords as the "keys to the kingdom." 

    Use pass-phrases consisting of three or more words. Strive for passwords that are at least 16 characters long (which is easy when using pass-phrases). It's best to use numbers and punctuation in your passwords/pass-phrases, but the length of the password/pass-phrases is what's most important. Make it memorable. Use a separate password for every account. Use a password manager—then you only have to remember one password. Use two factor authentication when it's offered. NEVER share your account information with anyone else.
  3. NEVER send your personally identifiable information (PII) via email.

    Some examples of PII include, but aren't limited to: your password, social security number, credit card number, bank account information, health information. Only send this information via secure web sites that you trust and have verified to be authentic.
  4. Be careful what you post on social media and with whom you share your posts.

    Remember—once it's posted, it's really difficult to get rid of it. Don't use any of the information that you post as your passwords or answers to security questions.
  5. If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.

    This pertains to any sort of free offer. Search for reviews on that free offer before clicking on that link for the free stuff. Refer to number 1 if you aren't sure.
  6. Make sure to protect your computer.

    Install anti-virus and anti-malware (sometimes both are included in one program instead of two separate programs) Make sure your computer's firewall is enabled. NEVER use free on-line services to scan your computer for viruses or to make it run faster if it's slow. Refer to numbers 1 and 5.
  7. Use a virtual private network (VPN).

    Always use a reputable VPN when using free wifi offerings in a coffee shop, in a hotel, at the airport, etc. A reputable VPN will protect your connection to the Internet so that no one using the free wifi you are using can see what you are doing. If you’re not sure what a VPN is, refer to number 1.

If you have any questions about information security, please contact security@moravian.edu.