Author and educator Irshad Manji will visit Moravian College to present “Diversity 2015: From Multiculturalism to Interculturalism ” on Tuesday, October 27.
News & Media Coverage
Moravian College’s Hometown Named to Huffington Post’s 10 Most Beautiful Fall Towns 2015 List
Renowned contemporary American folk singer and alumnus John Gorka ’80 will perform at Moravian College on Friday, October 23, at 8:00 p.m., in Peter Hall as part of Homecoming Weekend.
Causal talks encourage students and faculty to learn a new language
Moravian College was named “Best Local College” in the 12th annual Morning Call Readers' Choice Awards.
Moravian ranked 35th out of 1,182 institutions by Educate to Career
Organizing fan mail for her step-brother’s band The Beatles started it all
Marlene Lopes and Hannah LaFronz Help Driver Though Emergency
Dana Dunn, professor of psychology and assistant dean for special projects, in his most recent blog post “Time Management 101” has been listed as an essential read by Psychology Today.
One-Man Play will be Performed by Actor Bob Weick on October 7