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Psychology Faculty

Dr. Zaremba



Dana S. Dunn | Professor of Psychology and Department Chair

Office location: PPHAC 231
Office phone: 610-861-1562
Email: dunnd@moravian.edu

Curriculum Vitae

Research interests and expertise
Social psychologist conducting research on the social psychology of disability and rehabilitation as well as on the scholarship of teaching and learning. Dunn has written or edited 30 books and over 160 articles, chapters, and book reviews.

Dana S. Dunn is Professor of Psychology at ΢ƽ in Bethlehem, PA. He earned his PhD in experimental social psychology from the University of Virginia and his BA in psychology from Carnegie Mellon University. A Fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA Divisions 1, 2, 8, and 22) and the Association for Psychological Science, Dunn is active in the Society for the Teaching of Psychology (STP - APA Division 2) where he served as President in 2010. In 2013, Dunn received the Charles L. Brewer Distinguished Teaching of Psychology Award from the American Psychological Foundation and in 2015 he was the APA’s Harry Kirke Wolfe lecturer. He is a member of the editorial boards of several journals and is a frequent speaker at national and regional psychology conferences. Dunn will serve as President of the Eastern Psychological Association (EPA) in 2018-2019 and is a former member of the Program Committee for the National Institute for the Teaching of Psychology (NIToP). He is a member of the Board of the Foundation for Rehabilitation Psychology (FRP) and a former member of APA’s Committee on Disability Issues in Psychology (CDIP). He was recently elected to the APA’s Board of Educational Affairs (BEA; 2017-2019). The author of over 160 articles, chapters, and book reviews, Dunn writes about the teaching of psychology, the social psychology of disability, and liberal education. He is the author or editor of over 30 books and writes a blog on the teaching psychology called “Head of the Class” for Psychology Today. He is currently Editor-in-Chief of the Oxford Bibliographies (OB): Psychology. His recent books include The Social Psychology of Disability (Oxford, 2015), The Oxford Handbook of Undergraduate Psychology Education (Oxford, 2015), Pursuing Human Strengths: A Positive Psychology Guide (Worth/Macmillan, 2016), with Jane S. Halonen, The Psychology Major Companion: Everything You Need to Know to Get Where You Want to Go (Worth, 2017), and, with Bridgette Martin Hard, the editor of Thematic Approaches for Teaching Introductory Psychology (Cengage, 2018).


Robert Brill | Associate Professor of Psychology

Office location: PPHAC 225
Office phone: 610-861-1561
Email: brillr@moravian.edu

Curriculum Vitae

Research interests and expertise
Bob conducts research in pedagogy, work-life challenges, performance feedback, and sports psychology. He has conducted training in the areas of communication, stress management, as well as employee well-being at a variety of organizations. He was recently part of research teams who were awarded grants from the Dept. of Labor and PA Disabilities Council to explore sustainability of financial skills in the region and best practices by employers for hiring and retaining persons with disabilities, respectively.

Robert Brill received his Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational psychology from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Bob's most recent research efforts have been in the areas of employment practices impacting workers with disabilities, pedagogical issues, and sports psychology. Bob recently served as Research Director for a grant funded by the Department of Labor’s Workforce Innovations in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) initiatives, and as the co-researcher on a 2014 state-wide study on Best Practices in the Selection and Retention of Persons with Disabilities, funded by the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council.  A member of the Society for Industrial / Organizational Psychology (SIOP) and the Association for Psychological Science (APS), he has conducted training in the areas of communication, stress management, and employee well-being at a variety of organizations; and in collaboration with his students implemented a multi-rater feedback system as a service learning project with Community Services for Children.  Bob teaches a variety of courses in the areas of work psychology, research and statistics, contemporary work-life challenges, and sports psychology.  He is the LaSalle University (his undergraduate alma mater) Psychology Department’s 2016 Dondero Award recipient.

Aleena Hay

Aleena Hay | Assistant Professor of Psychology

Office location: PPHAC, Room 227
Office phone: 610-861-1565
Email: haya02@moravian.edu

Curriculum Vitae

Research interests and expertise

Dr. Hay’s research focuses on understanding basic interpersonal emotion regulation processes – i.e., how we manage our emotions with the help of others - and how these processes go awry in individuals with anxiety and mood disorders. The long-term aims of her work are to identify novel treatment targets and explore basic processes involved in interpersonal emotion regulation. By better understanding how emotion regulation processes work typically, we can better understand the ways in which they may go awry in individuals suffering from emotional disorders. Dr. Hay’s work encompasses clinical psychology as well as affective science.

Aleena Hay received her B.A. from Skidmore College and her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Yale University. She completed her pre-doctoral internship at the May Institute, where she focused on empirically supported outpatient treatment for children, adolescents, and adults with complex psychopathology. Dr. Hay completed her postdoctoral fellowship at the Boston University Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders (CARD). At ΢ƽ, Dr. Hay teaches a number of courses, including Abnormal Psychology / Psychopathology, Emotion, and Experimental Methods and Data Analysis I and II.

Sarah K. Johnson | Associate Professor of Psychology

Office location: PPHAC 224      
Office phone: 610-625-7013
Email: johnsons@moravian.edu

Curriculum Vitae

Research interests and expertise
Dr. Johnson's research focuses on semantic memory—i.e., general knowledge—and the processes used to organize it. She studies how the organization of our semantic memory can underlie stereotypes about categories of individuals (e.g., gender stereotypes), and has also explored the organization of our memory for music and how it changes or doesn't change with age. Lastly, she conducts research on pedagogy (specifically flipped classrooms and other active learning approaches) and assessment of undergraduate research. Other areas of academic interest include executive function, cognitive neuroscience as a whole, and frontal-lobe functioning in particular.

Sarah K. Johnson received her B.A. from Bucknell University and her Ph.D. in cognitive psychology with a neuroscience focus from Temple University. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Oregon. Dr. Johnson is the faculty advisor to the ΢ƽ Undergraduate Research Club  and a member of the Lehigh Valley Society for Neuroscience chapter. She is the director of Moravian's Student Opportunities for Academic Research (SOAR), a summer undergraduate research fellowship program. She is a councilor in the Psychology Division of the Council for Undergraduate Research (CUR) and is chair of the oversight committee for the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR).

stacey Zaremba

Stacey Zaremba | Professor of Psychology

Office location: PPHAC 229
Office phone: 610-861-1563
Email: zarembas@moravian.edu

Curriculum Vitae

Research interests and expertise
Nutrition and Behavior, women’s issues, student engagement, and faculty development.

Stacey Zaremba received her Ph.D. in experimental psychology from Fordham University. Dr. Zaremba is the Director of Moravian's Women's Studies program. Her research focuses on measuring feminist attitudes and the relationship between feminist attitudes and attitudes toward menstruation. Dr. Zaremba is also very interested in the use of feminist pedagogy in the classroom, animal memory work and faculty development issues. Drs. Zaremba and Dunn run a comprehensive faculty orientation program for first-year faculty members. Dr. Zaremba received the Bridegam faculty Service Award in May 1991, 1993 and 2004, the Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching in 1991 and the ODK Golden Apple Leadership and Teaching Award in 2004.

Adjunct Faculty

Dr. Seth Finkle | Adjunct Professor

Office location: PPHAC 223
Office phone: 610-625-7966
Email: finkles@moravian.edu

Dr.Thomas Helm | Adjunct Professor

Office location: PPHAC 223
Office phone: 610-625-7966
Email: helmt@moravian.edu

Amy Holtzman-Vazquies | Adjunct Professor

Office location: PPHAC 223
Office phone: 610-625-7966
Email: holtzmana@moravian.edu

Dr. Randy Smith | Adjunct Professor

Office location: PPHAC 223
Office phone: 610-625-7966
Email: smithr@moravian.edu

Psychology Staff

Jennifer McKinley | Department Secretary

Office location: PPHAC 228
Office phone: 610-861-1316
Email: mckinleyj@moravian.edu